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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif آرٹیکل: Druids are stand for an unusual crossing of cabal lines - 10/12/2013 00:40

Long time ago, there've been still a heated debate on how the first druids came to pass, and which race was the first to become druids. But all of these shapeshifters, regardless of race, have a keen affinity for nature magic that is somewhat akin to the elemental call of the shaman. However, while shaman speak and listen to all of the elements, a druid's first call is to nature itself; the ebb and flow of the natural order of the world.In vanilla, only night elves and tauren could be druids -- but this class has been expanded to include both troll and worgen as well in Cataclysm. Each of these four races have their own unique story behind the origin of their druidic practices, and each are equally compelling to roleplay. With a history that extends thousands of years in the past, druid roleplayers have a lot of material to work with. Druids are stand for an unusual crossing of cabal lines. While night elves and worgen are Alliance, and tauren and troll are Horde, they meet together with the druids of the Cenarion Circle. This organization has no factional lines, and will teach Alliance as well as Horde. A druid is quite likely the character with the most bent towards peace, because harmony between Alliance and Horde is not only possible, it's been demonstrated time and time again by the Cenarion Circle. And frankly, peace between factions is far less likely to upset the natural balance of the world. Druids represent one of the more interesting classes to roleplay, simply because there are so many different facets to their nature. Their race and that race's history plays a far larger part on their attitude towards druids of other races, and the other creatures of Azeroth as well. And their ability to shapeshift presents an entirely different personality that could be brought into play. A druid has the potential of being not just several different combat roles in one, but several different personalities in one as well -- and that makes them intriguing choices for roleplay. Also, if you want to master the druid well, you should get some awesome WoW items or gold so that you can be stronger in WoW. MORE:

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif آرٹیکل: To me, it is so boring! - 10/12/2013 23:23

 The best way to Market Yourself A handful of classes within the game open them selves up well to putting together a service based gold making system   For instance, healers are usually generally desired in to groups.   Quite a few gamers want to be able to run instances, yet they don't have the time to wait for a group using the random dungeon timer. Now, for these types of classes which are really in demand (healers, tanks mainly), this gives them a great chance to gain access to groups, with barely any waiting. Less waiting around... will mean much more money in Wow! I believe tanks have the easiest time, especially getting into dungeon instance groups. Healers tend to have to wait a couple of minutes, but it is a far cry from what the DPS has to put up with.   It's actually not really easy now. You see, before you would just drop your main group just after your queue which left that group awaiting a certain class. It's not so simple now regrettably, because you have to keep in the group. Leaving behind this group currently definitely will result in kicking any person you queued with out from the dungeon too. So you will must have to remain to earn your gold. As long as you possess the skill and gear to take care of the dungeon, this could not be too bad of a problem. Having a very good group build will probably help to make most of these instances much simpler obviously.   I am hoping right now you are seeing there are more methods to make gold within Wow.   Another tip is that Mages can make portals in these instance areas. Depending on the time of day, and the need of the folks needing a port, it is possible to earn hundreds of gold an hour by selling portals. At its peak, it wasn't uncommon to be given up to a 100 gold to get a port out of Dalaran. In all honesty, it was getting quite challenging to get groups sometimes because everyone was checking out the new areas, the good news is, I think people are returning to Azeroth, so this should make instances running for gold farming a good option once again. The neat thing about this is that it allows you to work other methods, for example manipulating the ah, at the same time.   Essentially, all I am saying is, just about every class (though Tanks and Healers have an easier life!) has its own ways to generate money in Wow. Even if you don't use them as a major form of income, they're a great way to make extra gold.   The end of the day, it's all about having fun making Wow gold together with realizing that each and every class will typically have something 'special' to help he or she generate lots of gold in World of Warcraft. You do not really have to mine or fish for a lot of time by your self to make money. To me, it is so boring! MORE:

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif آرٹیکل: The players can begin again - 11/12/2013 22:49

The bluff me drinking game is also known as the bluff me card drinking game. It is a fun way to enjoy your drinking session with friends or family. It is very simple to understand that even the already drunk person can join in. Bluff me game does not require any complicated planning, all that is needed is a packet of cards, more than two participants and a lot of booze. This game is ideal for those who can hold a poker face because as the name suggests it involves bluffing. Bluff me drinking game will always start with one player acting as the dealer by giving out five cards to each player. The remaining cards are put on the table and they represent two fingers worth of drinking. The dealer proceeds to turn over one of the cards on the table. The players have to check their cards to see if they have the same value as the one the dealer has turned over. If the card is the same, the player has to choose a player who must drink two fingers worth of alcohol. This game allows bluffing in that even if a player has no matching card, they can risk and nominate someone to drink the required two fingers worth. This is where it will be to the player's advantage to be able to hold a poker face as he must be able to get away with it. This is because they do not have to show their cards to prove that the cards match. If the nominated person believes the player is honest they drink the two fingers worth. However if the nominated player suspects that the he is made to drink on a bluff by the person who nominated him, he is required to say" bluff me" and the other player is supposed to show their cards. If the person who did the nominating is bluffing and does not have the correct cards he is punished by having to drink double the amount he proposed which is four fingers worth of alcohol. On the other hand if the person is not bluffing then the player who called the bluff then has to drink four fingers worth of alcohol. To add a twist to the bluff me "drinking game" so as to make it interesting and challenging, the dealer can have the players memorize the five cards they have been dealt quickly in like five seconds then put them away. When they flip over the card on the table, the players will need to use their memory to remember if they have a similar card in their possession. If they are not sure they can bluff while putting on their best poker face and hope that they are right. If their bluff is called out and they are found to be incorrect then they will drink four fingers worth. The game continues until the cards on the table have all been turned over and the players can begin again. more:

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif آرٹیکل: Would you like to see the return of these types of quests? - 13/12/2013 00:50

  Once upon a time it was common for there to exist daily (for dungeons) or weekly (for raids) boss-kill quests in WoW; think Archmage Lan'dalock during Wrath of the Lich King. User Frozenclaw, over on the EU forums, is wondering just what happened to those types of quests? Why don't we see any in Mists of Pandaria? It would be a great way to drive players to some of the lower-tier raids (such as Heart of Fear or Terrace of Endless Spring) these days, as well as a way to gain some reward for being willing to step into old content.   I think this would be a great idea! I still regularly hit up some of the initial MoP raids for valor and the like, but sometimes the queue times are, uh, depressing. The addition of an extra reward for killing certain bosses might help drive people into these older raids--great if you're trying to gear an alt in LFR, for example--and give them something nice for doing so.   Would you like to see the return of these types of quests? Would you run them if they did come back? What kind of rewards would you like to see out of them? MORE: