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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Стаття: I wish people would stop complaining about people complaining about it - 04/01/2014 00:43

  The problem here is that Blizzard has made major changes that "wouldn't affect anything" that actually did.   I'm thinking of CRZ, in particular... like, how the Darkmoon Faire would close well before it should have, because the portal was in a zone that was several hours ahead. Or how they had to cancel the Dalaran fishing derby altogether, because you can catch fish from any Northrend zone, and they can't fix the time zone issues associated with it. And not that Blizzard cares or is doing anything about it, but man it sucks to see a rare (like the Time Lost Proto-Drake) while you're on a taxi, only to have it disappear because the taxi is in its own separate server.   Personally, I wish people would stop complaining about people complaining about it. If you don't care, take your own crybaby advice and stop blubbering about it. more:

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Стаття: That's about the only nice thing I can say about - 06/01/2014 00:47

It was more enjoyable that Cata, but so is pretty much anything ever. world of warcraft gold That's about the only nice thing I can say about. Timeless Isle was a disaster imo, I'm glad they won't be forcing another one of those down our throats with WoD. I look forward to WoD only because of the promise of relevant small group content being included in the game again for the first time since Wrath. I'll be much happier with the game without some weird Asian theme going on too. more:

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Стаття: I can't even remember the point of now - 08/01/2014 23:19

  Random stuff, really. Obviously, the first boss kill with a guild group.   But whatever else strikes my fancy, like the New Years fireworks over Undercity or Orgrimmar. Or people doing random craziness in Orgrimmar chasing people around on elf "hawk" mounts. Or going to the Dalaran fountain with some guildies and seeing all of us randomly being given shape-changing buffs from a cloaked GM having a bit of fun (seeing a wisp, a pirate, a ninja, etc. fishing around a fountain is about as random as you can get). I think I also got a screenshot when I blinked through the wall of the Temple of the Jade Serpent and ended up stuck in the scenery. And a few others, some of which I can't even remember the point of now. read more:

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Стаття: World of Warcraft pet upgrade Raiders is not very easy to understand - 09/01/2014 23:29

The Pet's Battle of World of Warcraft is an important play ways of the game, but generally players who are level 1 pet , how to get the full level pet, this time to bring World of Warcraft pet upgrade Raiders.   First, the trumpet ( grade limitation ) shipped to Jinxiu Gu Chosen Asian economies that village.   Method is:   1, Master opened the door, and then ran over ( simple );   2, conditional warlock pulled open the door , can theoretically.   3, can not find people to help , you can go to the Great Wall , south through the setting sun off, jump through the pool when the pool , there is no blame , you can brush , but here are all mongoose will raging , and there is no treatment, so it is still the Chosen again went to the village a little better , you can bind Hearthstone to this village hotel.   Here is the World of Warcraft pet upgrade Raiders   The hotel has Stable before after hotel has five consecutive refresh Fairview Stalker ( about 8 minutes to refresh ) , there is no blame on patrol , just bring any moths, at least two skills with cocoon , Alpha, ball or dust , or owl , Cali birds, eagles and other flying dragon or dragon pets with feathers can begin the upgrade. Basically around 10 with a small pet to end the fighting.   This five is not enough , then you can go brush Chosen Here are two , brushing the two came back refreshed.   Fight a 40 to 50 seconds , plus running, basically brush seven points paced 8 minutes , 85 or so a 10W experience ( to do the task , then the task is to 12.6W experience a plus gold ) , small pet to get about 900 experience, and doing basic tasks almost fast. While copies can shoot while playing pets , no blood to the hotel in front of the treatment. Pure play this upgrade, then it seems as long as less than 85 l 86 100 games on OK, 89 l 90 takes about 200 games upgrade.   85-90 can get about eight stone aquatic battle , flawless stone two fighting about 5000 while doing field achievements, while upgrading the N pet to 25.   I use this method to upgrade the two numbers. Take it for more than N aquatic stone stone machinery , stone souls.   How, World of Warcraft pet upgrade Raiders is not very easy to understand , go and accompany your pet to upgrade it. more: