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بروز: 03/04/2014 04:30
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif مقاله: The reduction in DR categories is welcome indeed - 13/01/2014 00:51

 Senior PvP designer Brian Holinka has been on Twitter today clarifying the changes to diminishing returns in Warlords of Draenor. Along with the recently posted indications of changes to CC, Community Manager Lore tweeted and then posted about the changes to DR, or Diminishing Returns:   LoreOne other thing I just mentioned on Twitter that I'd like to bring up here as well -- we're also planning on having fewer DR categories (and thus, more shared DR's) in WoD. Again, still in development, anything can change, but that's what we're looking at.   source   The reduction in DR categories is welcome indeed, as we've discussed here in the past, there are 117 abilities across 13 categories, excluding things which CC and don't DR at all. This is baffling for new PvPers, and even advanced players often won't know every spell's category. As part of the big CC cull in Warlords, Blizzard's devs are looking to simplify DR. And Holinka has added more detail to their plans.   To add some more detail to the DR category conversations, you won't see things like Silence, Stun, Fear or Mez combined into one category.   - Holinka (@holinka) January 10, 2014   @oliviadgrace @Crawthz Also we hate the single DR idea. That will not happen.   - Holinka (@holinka) January 10, 2014   So it seems from the first tweet like Blizzard will not be looking to combine together big categories in CC, so things like Holinka mentions are pretty major, important categories of CC. But, it seems possible from the omissions that less populated categories could be merged together. I'm thinking of things like merging "Roots" and "Roots (short)" into one category, along with the "short" versions of stuns and mesmerizes, which would be added to their respective full-length friends.   Anything that falls under "other" or DRs only with itself, such as Dominate Mind and Cyclone, should, in my opinion, be blended into other categories. I've long been unhappy with Cyclone as a CC, it's very strong, and this might be a good way to bring it down to size. Personally, I don't think any CC should be free from DR or DR only with itself, regardless of tradition. And taking these actions would reduce us from a hefty 14 categories down to a far more manageable 7.   Lastly, I'm glad that they have not gone with the SW:ToR style of the resolve bar. While I can understand its appeal, for the sake of simplicity, I feel like it removes far too much gameplay. Yes, the current system is overly complicated, but there has to be a half-way house between 14 categories and none. 7, let's say! And of course, we have to remember that all of these categories will contain less spells after the CC disarmament that's taking place with Warlords. I'm excited, are you? more:

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif مقاله: Who is out of the tavern of Port Sarim - 14/01/2014 00:15

1. Talk to Redbeard Frank, who is out of the tavern of Port Sarim. Ask him if he knows about that you can find some treasure. He'll tell you if you bring a change of Karamja Rom.   Need 60gp, 30gp for the trip to Karamja for 30gp and buy a bottle of Rom. Talk to the captain who is close to the second ship in Port Sarim. The tavern is before the Karamja General Store, buy a bottle of Karamja Rom. You can not carry the bottle in your inventory in the back, as they do not allow it, you will be inspected before entering the boat, and if they see you wear Rom Karamja, will not let you come back to Port Sarim, as it is illegal.   Ask Luthas, business banana plantations for work, which is to fill the box is out of the house Luthas of bananas, 10 bananas in total. Once you've got 10 bananas in the box, also plays Rom bottle of Karamja. When you tell it to finish and give you 30gp Luthas reward. Ask Luthas where it will be shipped the box of bananas.   Two. Returns to Port Sarim. The box will be in store Wyndin meals, if you need pregutarle trabjar for him, but need a White Apron to enter and work in the back room. In the back, take the bottle of Karamja Rom box of bananas.   Three. Returns to Port Sarim tavern and give the Rom to Redbeard Frank. It will give you a key to a treasure chest, located on the second floor of the Blue Moon Inn in Varrock. You'll find the inn behind the General Store. On the second floor you will find a chest. Unlock the chest with the key and find a note that tells you that you dig behind one of the benches of Falador.   April. When you dig in the right place, Wyson the gardener in Falador park attack you. When it is dead, you can dig safely and get the treasure, your reward. MORE;

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif مقاله: Flower game "hot/cold" spam is a thing of the past - 14/01/2014 23:45

Looking back at 2013, it really struck us what a massive year it's been for RuneScape.It's hard to believe that in the space of a year there’s been two epic scale world events; a new age in RuneScape's story; a brand new skill; several high-end bosses; an overhaul to the game’s interfaces; and some truly superb quests.   I think the game’s health has improved too. Flower game "hot/cold" spam is a thing of the past, bots are almost non-existent.   The Runescape team workers have made the cutomer's investment in the game worth more than ever, too. There’s now more than double the number of RS items available with Loyalty Points, the Jax community helped real people via the Well of Goodwill; and Bonds made all their paid services available for in-game effort, while knocking real-world trading and gold farming to its lowest point for many years. Let’s not forget the vote and launch of Old School RuneScape, which was spurred into life by Jax community willpower!   As a Runescape player,we’ve got some great memories from this year: valiantly battling Armadyleans in World Event 2; diving back into Dungeoneering to get my Daemonheim auras; and completing each of the Super Challenges in Super September. I've run the cannon gauntlet in Birthright of the Dwarves; made tough choices while face-to-face with Guthix; and added Sinkholes, Player-Owned Ports, Warbands and God Statues into gameplay routine.   As a professional Runescape service website ,In order to keep pace with the rapidly development of Runescape .we are incessant increasing the range of Runescape service,From the just selling&buying Runesape gold to Runescape powerleveling and RS 3 Gold item further more now we can also do Runescape firecape and gold swapping .In the following new year more and more Runescape service remains to be seen !

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif مقاله: You'll find around 68 years of playing time together - 15/01/2014 23:11

Jagex, the developer behind the popular free-to-play Adventure MMORPG within the planet Guinness record 3 game RuneScape, now publish extensive statistics regarding the game and its hugely prosperous launch. After the launch of RuneScape three, players flocked to create inside the game, which allowed them a gaming experience and game world, according to your wishes. Inside the past 30 days, more than 300,000 new players have began their RuneScape Adventure and more than one hundred,000 former players have reactivated your account. General, all players have spent an typical of 600,000 hours on the day of your game. In other words, each day you'll find around 68 years of playing time together. RuneScape 3 was 22 July started together with the Battle of Lumbridge, an event that continues for about two months and on the conflict between two with the gods, that have returned to RuneScpae, concentrated. The players show their allegiance to these gods by collecting divine tears. Because the beginning from the Battle Divine Tears have been collected more than a billion and over 60 million enemy warriors killed by the players. To Buy RS Gold you can find from