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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: Most of Final Fantasy XIV fans start following the game news earlier in May - 28/03/2014 02:41

Most of Final Fantasy XIV fans start following the game news earlier in May. The producer Square Enix just made the installer for the upcoming open beta test of Final Fantasy 14 Gil: A Realm Reborn available for download. You can start downloading the package before the open beta starts on August the 17th for everyone and August the 16th for those that took part in the closed beta. In this version, you can stock enough FFXIV Gil for your future playing. The download of the installer weights 107 megabytes, but you’ll need 20 gigabytes free on your hard disk for the full installation (on August the 15th), plus two gigabytes in your my documents folder and one in the drive containing your Windows installation. After install it, you can start playing and farm ffxiv gil.Unfortunately, while the installer can be downloaded and the launcher can be updated, the full client will be in “maintenance mode” until August the 15th, preventing you to actually update it. That’s a pity, since making the full client available would have saved a lot of time to those with a slower connection, but most probably they decided to handle it this way to avoid granting full access to the game’s assets to the usual industrious data miners.It’s important to mention that those that took part to the closed beta will have to uninstall the closed beta client and install the new one, as the old one won’t work.READ MORE:

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: This is more than 90 fantastic store project is now in slashed rates - 02/04/2014 03:32

I decided to in my shop, a lot of projects should be available for not only RuneCoins, but loyalty points. Unfortunately, there is a in your emotions, the loyalty point price maybe a bit too high. I think to change this!Beginning from today, either integral or Runescape Gold, and buy all the items, can have their loyalty points to reduce as much as 40% of the price! This is more than 90 fantastic store project is now in slashed rates!In fact, positive need more than that!If you bought any of the above project loyalty points, I will return you 40%, you will probably saved them to buy now. Let me express my gratitude in advance for your patience, because it could take as long as two weeks. If by this time, and you didn't receive a refund, you would expect, please don't send a ticket billing Runescape team, they would be happy to help - just click here. These programs provide a new, lower prices, because I speak, so please don't visit my shop have a look. Member free project is now fully manchu hair witch facial hair and feathers.READ MORE:

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikulua: What would you do if you were the head of Runescape - 03/04/2014 04:30

Scenario: Unexpected changes are occurring in Jagex head office. Action figures are low, there is uneasiness among the effective gamers, and the employees has run out of concepts. To be able to carry the experience returning to its former wonder in junior high university grounds across the globe, Jagex shoots the present go of Runescape(& rs3 gold) and chooses to seek the services of you for that place. You are now the go of a huge multi-player activity and have improved impact. There is a issue though: what should you do? If I were the go of Runescape I would recognize not only is Runescape having difficulties but the category is having difficulties (see Arena of World of warcraft for example). However, one identical activity is going powerful and that is Group of Stars. I would not duplicate what Group of Stars is doing but try to look at some factors you could understand from that activity. I would also consider helping the fight program. Right now the fight program is fun for PvM but ineffective for PvP. Since PvM is nearly entirely associates only most new gamers will never get a flavor of PvM. Therefore I recommend changing the program a bit so it is suitable with PvP. Right now the fight program is way too highly effective and offensively centered for PvP. Maybe including in some more protecting capabilities and decreasing the energy of strike capabilities at least in the existence of gamers would be a phase in the right route. And of course I would pay attention to the gamers for concepts. Jagex has always been doing this though, even if not with 100% performance. I'm not sure if helping the part of fansites is going to do much. Sure its a great factor and might help with the present gamers but is it going to get more individuals to perform Runescape? I don't think helping the part of the fansites is a miracle magic that is going to preserve the experience. Is it going to help? Yes. But if that is the only concept you have for enhancing Runescape activity as the go of Runescape you should probably begin looking into another profession. And I think some fansites still get beginning previews of material and maybe even discussions.READ MORE: