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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikolo: Landfall in Patch 5.1 Is Alive Now - 20/11/2013 19:53

  The landfall is a new update in WoW, and now is live on all realms! Have you made some great preparation for that?Buy WOW Gold Cheap  If you not, just pay attention to these official patch notes as below:   A new daily quests was brought out to the patch:the Krasarang Wilds, which leads increases in the conflict between the Alliance and Horde. Gamers will safeguard their outpost while attacking the oppostion’s outpost. Taking down rivals earns players commendations that can be used to upgrade their base, including additional guards and buffs. Background about the Horde vs. Alliance conflict is revealed and will be continued in future updates.   At the meanwhile, Landfall have made two new factions in this time with unequalled loots. The Alliance gains Operation: Shieldwall while Horde gets Dominance Offensive.   What's more, the Pet Battle System in final has been upgraded and improved well. The UI now has improved sorting and pet levels are revealed on the map. New rare pets are available from vanilla raid bosses. Battle stones are available to upgrade pet quality.   Patch 5.1 has added five new scenarios tp all players. Each faction receives two unique scenarios while one new scenario will be playable for both factions. Lion’s Landing and A Little Patience are available to the Alliance, Domination Point and Dagger in the Dark are new for the Horde, while both can experience Assault on Zan’Vess.   If you want to know more details about the landfall, you can go to official net and then see the more rest of that. But if you are going to buy some WoW gold, please stay upon here, because we are the official WoW gold net.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikolo: what do you think of the potential resto shaman set bonuses for tier 15? - 21/11/2013 23:16

Theres no doubt that restoration shaman have come out swinging in tier warcraft gold  Many of the top parses are actually winding up to be resto shaman, and that is a good feeling. I cant help but remember tier 11 though, where Deep Healing made fights like Chimaeron and Maloriak bow before our might as healers. The entire tier, it was a glorious time to be a shaman healer. We broke charts, pulled ranks on logs and fueled ourselves on the tears of paladins and priests. Then along came tier 12, Firelands. It took quite a bit more work to be a decent healer at this point, and it was a hard crash following the high that was healing the tier prior. I know I will never forget that drop off. One of the questions Ive been getting a lot of email on recently has been asking my opinion on whether I think we will see the same sort of drop going into tier 15.   Looking at our set bonuses, you can see that there is a definite interest in keeping resto shaman throughput going. Both set bonuses are centered around giving us avenues to extra healing done. I cant help but see that and look back at tier 12 and think that the developers at Blizzard are already looking at preventing that hard crash from happening again. Developers are listening to feedback and concerns and looking for constructive criticism from players to get an idea of how things feel, and it has become a much more open process than it has been in the past. Were also going to be seeing a lot of varied encounters in the new Throne of Thunder raid, at least from what weve been heaving about the design behind it and the bosses we may be facing.   I dont think that shaman healing is going to crash like it did in tier 12. I think that the folks in charge are paying close enough attention to how all of the healing classes are doing their jobs in both dungeons and raids that things will remain relatively competetive for resto shaman. I feel like we will enter this tier in a good place, and Im hoping I am right in that we will continue to stay strong throughout the tier. Only time and testing will tell, but I dont think were going to be quite as bad off as we were going from tier 11 to tier 12.   So, what do you think of the potential resto shaman set bonuses for tier 15? How do you think our healing will fare going into the next tier? Did you get to participate in any of the raid testing so far on the PTR?

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikolo: I know what some of you are saying - 26/11/2013 01:14

BlizzCon is next week and wowingold's teaming up with WoW Insider to throw a huge party the night before. From 5pm to 11pm Pacific on Thursday, November 7th, they'll be partying at the Anabella hotel right next to BlizzCon and anyone in the area can attend. our website in englisn They've got awesome sponsors, lots of prizes, a bunch of well-known people from the World of Warcraft community including some Blizzard staff and popular streamers, and even a photobooth for attendees looking to get a picture taken with some weapons from Azeroth.   I know what some of you are saying: "That sounds great and all, but I didn't get a BlizzCon ticket this year." Thanks to Blizzard's generosity, 16 lucky wowingold and Hearthhead fans will get the chance to attend this year's show.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikolo: Here are some steps that can help you. - 27/11/2013 02:26

 How to distinguish real and fake wow gold guide? For the large demand of the wow gold guide, there are tons of wow gold guides outside. But which wow gold guide is real and how can we tell the real guide from the fake one? Here are some steps that can help you.   1.A guide writer is contacted by the marketer and hired to write the guide. This could include videos, images, walkthroughs, etc. Writers hired for this kind of thing are usually of very low to moderate quality.   2.A graphics artist is contacted by the marketer and hired to do all the flashy graphics and banners for the site and affiliates area.   3.A 'pitch' or 'copy' is written that is intended to tell a story which buyers can relate to before convincing them to purchase the guide.   4.The marketer finds a good keyword phrase and then checks out the competition he will have to compete with for the phrase. If the competition has low page ranks and appears to be weak then he will prepare to move into the niche.   5.The marketer compiles all the materials from the writer and artist before shipping it off to either another hired person to create the website or hires someone else to put it together for the marketer.   6.Affiliate marketing tools are added to the wow gold guide in order to keep sales coming in for months to come.   7.The marketer creates free content to entice buyers and make them more interested in making the purchase.   8.Emails are then sent out to all affiliate marketers in the niche who could potentially sell the guide and hype is created for the guide's release.   9.Release day comes along and hundreds of guides sell within 24 hours.   10.Marketer searches with google adword tool looking for a keyword phrase with low competition that has to deal with making gold in wow.