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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Məqalə: In my 3 years of playing WoW I have never had a perma - 12/11/2013 23:09

In my 3 years of playing WoW I have never had a perma, I would never buy or sell gold due to the risk to my account, so I have no idea why I was banned. It was literally 10 minutes ago I was banned, I was farming crystallized fire for about 30 mins then disconnected, then I am banned, what the hell? I've already sent them an email by webform explaining my predicament, how long can I expect to wait for a reply, and do you think I will be unbanned? Because I swear to god I didn't buy or sell gold, and I have an authenticator so nobody can access my account and do that without me knowing. Now here is the question, 1. what your describing is against the rules and blizzard will ban for it, assuming it has any evidence that money is changing hands, or the account is being played by a different user. 2. carrying for ingame gold is fine, assuming your account info isnt changing hands. To ask someone to carry you though an instance in-game is perfectly within the bounds of the ToS and it happens a lot. A less experienced player's toon gets carried by an experienced guild group though a raid, they pay them in-game WoW gold for the privledge and the group allows them to raid with them. The carried toon dies in the first 30 seconds of the boss fight but the group lets them get to see how it's done and get the achievement and gear anyway, because they have that toon's gold for their effort. A low level toon gets carried through a dungeon by a higher level toon in exchange for 50g. At the same time, welcome to buy wow gold, Find A trustworthy Patch 5.4 WoW Gold Site And Be The Long-Term Customers More and more people need wow gold online, specially when the Patch 5.4 come out. Yeah, the timely and enough wow gold will let you enjoy more fun in world of warcraft. To be frankly, buying WoW gold is not a risky action, but there are always some players' accounts banned because of buying unsafe WoW gold or even choose illegit site. There are more than 500 online gold vendors and sadly only a fraction of them are really legitimate with proper system in place to ensure accounts are not compromised. Once you click the wrong site, maybe your wow account will be in high risk. That to say, involved into illegit gold trading, WoW game master will track it; but if you lose your personal information, your bank card and payment is unprotected.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Məqalə: I don't want to sound like I'm just fruitlessly complaining - 14/11/2013 01:40

I don't want to sound like I'm just fruitlessly complaining, here. I am confident that the devs will come up with some alternatives to the talents in the patch prior to the next expansion. They've already acknowledged that the talents need to be looked at. cheapest wow gold Until then, unfortunately, we have to deal with them. But what could mage tier 6 talents look like in the future?   I spoke to some of my caster friends and did a bit of reading up on talents that other classes have. Elemental shaman have this one, Elemental Blast - it's a damaging spell followed by a random stat buff on a 12 second cooldown. I'd be happy enough with a spell like this (mage flavored, of course) that caused damage and then granted a buff.   Balance druids, in keeping with the hybrid nature of their class, get Heart of the Wild that increases their Stamina, Agility and Intellect by 6%. It's also a cooldown that allows them to perform outside their given role for 45 seconds on a six-minute cooldown. Obviously this isn't appropriate for mages, but I'd be happy with a flat stat buff in combination with something else, too.   Finally, as the other "pure" DPS caster class, unfortunately I have to talk about warlocks. It pains me deeply to admit that their talents are better than ours. I had to talk to a warlock to get this information, too, then I had to wash my robes repeatedly to get that fel stink out of them. I suffer so that you don't have to, mage friends.   The two talents warlocks are most likely to use are Kil'jaeden's Cunning, which allows them to cast a nuke (depending on specialization) while moving. I'm not too jealous of them having this one, since we have movement stuff covered in other tiers with Ice Floes and baseline Scorch for fire mages. But they also have Archimonde's Darkness, which grants two charges of Dark Soul. The benefits of Dark Soul vary depending on specialization, but they range from a spell haste buff to a crit increase. So that's a straight up cooldown/buff for them, but not one that requires constant maintenance.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Məqalə: Is Vol'jin going to look at what Sylvanas has done in the Eastern Kingdoms lately? - 15/11/2013 01:56

Is Vol'jin going to look at what Sylvanas has done in the Eastern Kingdoms lately? Buy WOW Gold Cheap Is he going to call her to task for her actions? Is a troll really going to embrace the blood elves as potential allies? Will Vol'jin do anything about the remnants of the Grimtotem? Are the tauren going to do anything, now that Hellscream's reign is over and the grieving for Cairne has subsided? Will Vol'jin reach out to the goblins and pandaren, new allies gathered under Hellscream's reign? Is Vol'jin going to do anything about the mess that the Horde has made of Pandaria?   The Horde may stand supposedly united at the moment, but there are far too many plot threads left unaddressed, threads that weren't answered during Hellscream's reign. Is Vol'jin really capable of addressing those threads and doing something going forward, or is he merely going to sit back and let the Horde do what it wants to, until someone else tries to make an attempt on his life? Is he going to lean on Thrall and ask him what to do, or is he going to stand up and actually do something about the lack of basic resources that had Krenna, and many others, so very, very bitter during Thrall's reign?   On the other hand ... is Vol'jin actually the new Warchief? In a Korean interview with Lead Systems Designer Greg Street and Technical Director Marco Koegler, it was revealed that Garrosh would not be replaced at the end of 5.4 as expected. Yet the cinematic we saw clearly shows Vol'jin taking that leadership role. Which is correct, here? Is Vol'jin really the new Warchief of the Horde -- or was he simply placed in that role for now, until a more suitable replacement can be found? That long look exchanged between Thrall and Varian seems to imply there is more to be said about the appointment of Vol'jin than what was actually stated flat-out.   Although Vol'jin feels like the right choice for leader in theory, was he really the right choice after all? Was he simply given the title so that the Horde wouldn't appear to be leaderless to the Alliance that were standing right there, demanding to talk to the leader of the Horde? Was he chosen because he was fit for the role, or was he chosen because there simply was no other choice that could be made, at that moment? Either way, it's going to be interesting to see what the future holds for the Horde. I hope it's not a stagnant future -- that the Horde actually has something to look forward to, a new purpose to fulfill, now that Hellscream's reign is over.   Read More:

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Məqalə: Selling experience potions is a problem and a big one - 19/11/2013 02:16

  Selling experience potions is a problem and a big one. cheapest wow gold The simple fact is, after a certain point— say, an alt or two—players become tired of leveling through the same content. It doesn’t matter how good the quests are, after you’ve seen them a couple of times, they're played out. Blizzard's answer to this has been heirloom items and experience boosts. The Enduring Elixir of Wisdom piggy-backs on that concept but for real money.   There is a fundamental problem with Warcraft selling experience potions for cash: they're charging money to avoid designing a solution to the core problem. The vertical, Just Add Levels™, expansion scheme guaranteed that players would eventually want a way to bypass grinding the same content. Suggesting “maybe they'll pay their way out of it” isn't an acceptable solution, not when we're already paying a team of designers to actually design.   The current potion is limited to Mists of Pandaria content. That doesn't matter and players justifying it fail to see the pet store for the testing bed it is. Blizzard has discussed the problem of previous expansion leveling for years. With flagging subscription numbers, how long will it be before a 1-85 potion makes an appearance? If these sell, there will be zero motivation for Blizzard to do anything other.